Archlinux AUR


Tutorial expresses the author's subjective ideas and conform to AAL license.


Install and configure Arch User Repository (AUR) tool HOW-TO.


Train step by step performing commands below.

Next Level

First, we need to be sure that system includes all necessary tools to perform building process

# pacman -Syu

After that we need to install git
# pacman -S git base-devel

Doing that, you can clone desired AUR package
$ git clone

Move to the folder and start make process
$ cd gnuclad
$ make

Once the process is complete, ensure that you have in your directory a TAR.GZ or TAR.XZ file and install it using pacman
$ ls -lh
# pacman -U gnuclad-
$ makepkg -sri

To remove package and it it's dependencies use 
# pacman -Rs gnuclad

To periodically update package you must repeat steps starting with cloning the repository. 

If you didn't deleted directory, navigate to it and run
$ git pull
And after that
$ makepkg -sri
And so on ...

YAY - Yet another Yogurt
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd yay
$ makepkg -sri
Run it
$ yay

List packages that require an update
$ yay -Pu

Install some
$ yay -S freeoffice

Last thoughts

Be shure that I will update tutorial in the future. So, stay on tune. And, in case it was useful, share please with your fellows or comment something regarded the subject.

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